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Arrival & End of Day Dismissal Procedures

Pick Up/Drop Off Procedure Map


Arrival by Car

  • Students should be let out of the vehicle in front of the Neary school and walk along the sidewalk to the Neary playground or if inclement weather, directly through the front door to their classroom. 

  • Drop-Off for students begins at 8:25 am 

  • Staff will be on duty from 8:25-8:40 a.m. to direct students.

  • Students are required to be in homerooms by 8:45 a.m. in order to not be marked as tardy. Any student arriving after 8:45 a.m. will be marked as tardy for the day. 

Arrival by Bus

  • Students will be dropped off in the front circular driveway.

  • Students will have time to walk and talk with other students on the Neary blacktop unless the weather is inclement. 

  • Staff will be on duty to monitor students. 

Walkers and Bikers

  • Students who live close to the school are welcome to walk or to ride their bikes to school. However, students should note that bicycles, scooters, and skateboards may not be ridden on school property during morning arrival times, during the school day, or during dismissal times. Also, the school is not responsible for lost, stolen or missing bicycles, helmets, or other articles. Walkers and bicyclists should arrive at school by  8:40 a.m. in order to park his/her bike and enter school for the 8:45 a.m. bell. Students will leave the school grounds promptly on dismissal. Parents who wish their children to walk or bike home at the end of the day will need to provide a note to the office.


Pick-up by Car

  • Students will be dismissed from the classrooms at 3:00 (walkers and bike riders, as well). Parents are directed to park in the Neary parking lot and will wait on the front walkway for their child to be dismissed.

  • A staff member will be located in the vestibule where the pick-up parent/guardian will hold up a sign with the student’s name and teacher’s name, as well as a photo ID. 

By Bus

  • Students will be dismissed by classroom and wait on the Neary blacktop for bus arrival beginning at 3:00 p.m. 

Southborough Extended Day

  • Students will be dismissed from the classroom to the Extended Day location within our building beginning at 3:00 p.m.